(518) 389-6100 Appointment

Sculptra in Latham, NY

Plump Away Aging

Latham, NY Sculptra at Luminescence Medical

Smooth away deep creases and reclaim a more youthful facial tone for up to two years with minimally invasive Sculptra. At Luminescence Medical, we love this poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) injectable for its longevity and natural-looking results. Sculptra signals the body to produce more collagen, turning back the clock on lines and hollow areas. Contact Luminescence to book your Sculptra consultation with one of our caring and skilled injectors.

Sculpting Science

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a cosmetic injectable made from poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible substance used to stimulate the production of new collagen fibers and smooth out the skin. Sculptra helps smooth and plump out deep facial wrinkles and folds, as well as areas of volume loss, such as the cheeks and temples. Unlike hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, Sculptra results develop more gradually over time, with the collagen production process continuing for several weeks or even months. The effects of Sculptra can last up to two years, making it a long-lasting option for non-surgical facial rejuvenation.

Lasts Two Years or Longer

What are the benefits of Sculptra?

Sculptra is an effective way to improve the appearance of deep facial wrinkles and folds, as well as areas of volume loss. This unique PLLA injectable stimulates the body to produce its own collagen. Results are natural-looking and come on gradually. You will enjoy a smoother, refreshed appearance for up to two years. The longevity of Sculptra makes it a low-maintenance, cost-effective option that can make your skin look beautifully refreshed and youthful.

Latham Sculptra female patient model

Your Latham Sculptra Experts

Your Sculptra Consultation

To learn more about treatments with expert Latham Sculptra providers at Luminescence Medical Spa, schedule a consultation with us today. Led by Dr. Nabodita D. Ghimire, MD, the aesthetic specialists on our team are highly knowledgeable about the science behind each treatment as well as the techniques needed to render beautifully natural-looking results. We will listen to your goals, answer all of your questions, and walk you through the details of the Sculptra procedure. Many patients benefit from having approximately three Sculptra treatment sessions spaced several weeks apart. We will also help you visualize the results you can expect from Sculptra.

A Careful Balance

Your Sculptra Procedure

We start by discussing your goals and expectations for treatment and developing a plan for where the injections will be administered. Your aesthetic specialist will then clean the areas of the face to be treated. If desired, they can also apply a topical numbing cream for your comfort. Once the skin is prepped, a fine needle is used to inject the product into specific locations of the face. Your provider will work methodically to ensure the desired distribution of the product and may massage the area to help spread it evenly for a natural look. Most patients get the best results from having three Sculptra treatments spaced a few weeks apart.

Smooth Elegance

Sculptra Results

The results of Sculptra show up gradually as the PLLA prompts collagen production in the treatment area. In the weeks following your treatment, you will notice your skin becoming smoother. Fine lines will start to fade, and deep creases like nasolabial folds will plump up and level out. It could take a few months to see your optimal results. Then you can enjoy your smoother, younger-looking complexion for two years or more.

Beautifully Natural-Looking

Sculptra Recovery and Aftercare

Mild swelling, redness, and bruising can occur in the treatment area, but these usually resolve within a few days. You can resume most activities immediately after the procedure, but you’ll need to avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours. You should begin to see results from your Sculptra treatment in two to three weeks. We will provide you with clear aftercare information, and we are always available to answer any questions.

SculptraFrequently Asked Questions

Most people benefit from having approximately three treatments spaced a few weeks apart.

The cost of a Sculptra treatment depends on how many vials of the product are needed. At your consultation, we can provide an estimate for your individual treatment.

Book Your Appointment Today

Your best glow-up is waiting for you at Luminescence Medical. Book your appointment now to begin your journey with your personal aesthetic specialist.

1202 Troy Schenectady Rd, Building 2, Latham, NY 12110

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