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Lip Fillers in Latham, NY

Shine a spotlight on your smile.

Latham, NY Lip Fillers at Luminescence Medical

Whether you’ve noticed your lips becoming thinner as you age, are dealing with lipstick lines above your upper lip, or simply want to see a fuller pout, lip fillers can give you lips you love without the need for costly surgery or downtime. Full, shapely lips add feminine charm to your appearance and convey youthful vibrance. At Luminescence Medical, Latham lip fillers clients love the natural-looking, beautiful results our expert injectors deliver. Schedule your lip fillers consultation today and treat yourself to a more pucker-able pout!

Get pretty lips.

What are Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers are a cosmetic treatment that involves injecting dermal fillers into the lips to make them appear fuller, plumper, and more defined. Most of the fillers used for lip treatments are formulated with hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in the body and works by drawing moisture to the treatment area. Injections can be customized to provide your desired lip contours and volume. The effects of lip fillers can last anywhere from a few months to over a year, depending on the individual and the specific product used.

Elevating your look is easy.

What are the benefits of Lip Fillers?

Fuller lips are not only aesthetically appealing, but they can also improve facial symmetry and balance. People get lip fillers to enhance the volume and definition of their lips. Lip fillers can also help to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth. Some people seek lip fillers to correct asymmetry or unevenness in the lips. During a quick in-office appointment for Lip Fillers Latham aesthetic providers at Luminescence Medical Spa can administer them in no time and provide results that last from several months to a year or more.

Latham Lip Fillers patient model

We Love Our Clients.

Your Lip Fillers Consultation

If you are interested in lip fillers, schedule a consultation with one of the aesthetic experts at Luminescence in Latham, NY, to have all of your questions answered. We spend time educating you about our treatments so that you can proceed with confidence. We have the experience, insight, and caring approach to help you define your cosmetic goals and beautifully refine your look so you can feel your best.

Simply Shapely

Your Lip Fillers Procedure

After your provider spends time listening to your goals to plan your procedure around your desired outcome, they will cleanse the treatment area in preparation for the injections. A numbing cream or cool pack may be applied to minimize discomfort. They will then use a fine needle to inject small amounts of the filler into the lips, carefully sculpting and molding the product to achieve your ideal shape and volume. The procedure with Lip Fillers typically takes less than 30 minutes, and most patients return to their normal activities immediately afterward.

Naturally Renewed

Lip Fillers Results

Your lips will be fuller, smoother, and have more defined contours after your lip fillers treatment. Lines around the mouth will also be noticeably reduced. Lip fillers can last anywhere from six to 12 months, with some fillers lasting as long as 18 months. The duration of results varies depending on the type of filler used, the amount injected, and individual factors like metabolism. Touch-up treatments can be scheduled as needed in order to maintain your results.

No Downtime Required

Lip Fillers Recovery and Aftercare

After your lip fillers procedure, you will see added fullness right away. However, your lips will likely be swollen for the first few days after the procedure. Your final results may not be visible until residual swelling diminishes completely, which may take up to one to two weeks. You may also have tenderness or light bruising at the injection sites, but these typically resolve in a day or two. We will provide you with aftercare instructions and are always available to answer any questions and support your optimal recovery and results.

Lip FillersFrequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Our expert injectors know how to create shapely fullness without causing the over-filled appearance sometimes associated with lip fillers. We will consult with you to understand your goals for the procedure and perform a treatment that gives you the results you are seeking.

The cost of your treatment will depend on the product used and the number of injections. We will gladly provide an estimate for your treatment at your consultation. Lip fillers are an easier and much more affordable alternative to surgical methods of lip enhancement.

Book Your Appointment Today

Your best glow-up is waiting for you at Luminescence Medical. Book your appointment now to begin your journey with your personal aesthetic specialist.

1202 Troy Schenectady Rd, Building 2, Latham, NY 12110

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