(518) 389-6100 Appointment

PRP Injections in Latham, NY

Show Your Inner Vibrance

PRP Injections at Luminescence Medical

At Luminescence Medical, we offer treatments that work with your body’s biology to help you look your best naturally. That’s why we love PRP. Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP Injections, is a one-of-a-kind therapy used to improve skin tone and quality, reduce wrinkles, and even stimulate natural hair growth. PRP is a growth hormone-rich substance formulated from a sample of your blood.

When applied as a serum after microneedling or administered in a series of small injections, it kicks the production of collagen and elastin into high gear to regenerate healthy skin cells and hair follicles. Our caring providers can help you explore how PRP Injections in Latham can benefit you.

The Science of Healthy Hair & Skin

What are PRP Injections?

PRP is a type of therapy that uses the patient's own blood, which is processed in a centrifuge to extract a highly concentrated solution of platelets and growth factors. The resulting PRP solution is then injected into the skin or scalp, or applied as a serum following microneedling, to stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, and new hair growth. PRP Injection treatments may be administered as a single treatment or a series of treatments depending on the patient’s needs. Results will come on gradually and continue to improve over the following days and weeks. Skin is smoothed, toned, and more youthful looking, with the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and other imperfections reduced. When used for hair restoration, hair grows naturally and gradually, with growth improving after each treatment session. PRP treatments can be repeated at intervals to help maintain their results.

Youthful Cells

What are the benefits of PRP?

PRP Injections originated as a therapy to promote healing after an injury or surgery because of its amazing ability to help tissues regenerate faster. Today, it is also commonly used as a cosmetic treatment to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and restore a youthful glow. The platelets and growth factors in the PRP solution induce the production of new collagen and elastin fibers, making your skin firmer and improving its elasticity.

Because PRP is formulated from a sample of your blood, it is a very safe treatment. It can be injected into the skin or applied as a serum after microneedling. PRP is also used to naturally stimulate hair growth in individuals with thinning hair or hair loss. The PRP solution is injected into the scalp, where it helps regenerate the cells, stimulate hair follicles, and promote new hair growth. A series of scalp treatments with PRP may also help to improve the thickness and quality of existing hair.

PRP patient model

Capture Vitality

Your PRP Consultation

PRP Injections are a good choice for anyone looking to restore better skin quality or regrow hair on the scalp. It is powerful as a stand-alone treatment or a complement to microneedling. We are happy to answer your questions about this unique therapy and how it can help you meet your cosmetic goals. Schedule your PRP consultation at Luminescence Medical to meet one of our compassionate and highly experienced providers. We love helping clients learn how they can look their most vibrant with safe and minimally invasive treatments like PRP.

Redirect & Replenish

Your PRP Procedure

PRP Injections treatment begins with a small blood draw similar to the ones you might have at your doctor’s office. Your provider then processes the blood sample using a centrifuge. This separates out the growth factors in the blood so they can be collected and used in your PRP treatment. For hair restoration, the resulting solution is loaded into a syringe and then administered in a series of small injections into the areas of the scalp where the hair has thinned. After your treatment is complete, you will be ready to return to most of your normal activities right away.

Glow and Grow

PRP Results

At our office in Latham PRP Injection results come on gradually as your skin begins to produce more collagen and elastin. Within two to three weeks after a PRP treatment for skin rejuvenation, you will begin to see improvements in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, scars and stretch marks, and areas of hyperpigmentation. You may also have improved skin tone, firmness, and elasticity. For hair restoration with PRP, patients typically have a series of treatments spaced out over several months and see optimal hair growth in approximately six months, with more follicles and thicker, healthier hair.

Fits Into Your Life

PRP Recovery and Aftercare

PRP treatments require no real downtime. If you have PRP injections, you might have slight swelling or soreness around the injection sites, but these will diminish quickly. After microneedling, your skin may be slightly red or tender, but this also passes quickly. Your aesthetic specialist will give you clear aftercare instructions, which may include avoiding strenuous exercise and certain medications for a short time after your treatment. They will also help you plan your treatment regimen and schedule any follow-up sessions needed to achieve your best results.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)Frequently Asked Questions

PRP treatments are considered very safe. Because the PRP solution is formulated from a sample of your blood, there is very little risk of having an adverse or allergic reaction to the treatment.

PRP has been proven to help regrow scalp hair naturally. Unlike hair transplants, PRP does not require any type of surgical incisions, and recovery time is greatly reduced. PRP also has the advantage of producing results gradually so that your transition to a fuller, healthier head of hair will be subtle but effective.

Book Your Appointment Today

Your best glow-up is waiting for you at Luminescence Medical. Book your appointment now to begin your journey with your personal aesthetic specialist.

1202 Troy Schenectady Rd, Building 2, Latham, NY 12110

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